See What It's Like to Buy a Franchise
About The Acti-Kare Inc. Franchise
Acti-Kare Franchise owners receive their initial training from Top Franchises within our franchise network. The ongoing marketing assistance and support is unparalleled in our industry. Our fully staffed call/sales center receives your inbound calls and schedules your appointments with potential clients. This team also makes outbound marketing calls to hospitals and facilities on your behalf.
As a franchisee, you will get access to industry leading software that will give you the confidence to manage and grow your business as a large as you desire. Acti-Kare also knows that you need an exceptional local staff to stand out and thrive in your community. That’s why Acti-Kare assists its franchise owners with initial and ongoing care giver recruitment and world class online training for your staff.
See if you're ready for franchise ownership - take free assessment.

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